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Laser Hair Services

Beard (full) - $90

Chin - $40

Upper Lip - $40

Full Face - $90

Sideburn - $60

Full Neck - $80

Chest & Abdomen - $200

Abdomen - $100

Full Back - $200

Shoulders - $100

Full Arms - $150

Under Arms - $50

Hands - $45

Full Legs - $220

Thighs - $120

Full Legs & Bikini - $250

Lower Legs - $100

Brazilian - $120

Brazilian & Under Arms - $150

Bikini - $80

Buttocks - $100

What should I do prior to my treatment?

  1. For 2-4 weeks before your treatment, avoid self-tanners and excessive sun.

  2. You may be asked to discontinue minocycline, tetracycline, doxycycline or retinol/retina several days prior to each treatment.

  3. Protect exposed skin with sunscreen

How many treatments are needed?

The number of treatments needed depends upon your skin type, hair colour, coarseness of the hair, depth of the hair follicle and size of the area that needs to be treated. Generally 80-90% will need a minimum of 6 to 8 laser hair removal treatments, spread out by 4-6 weeks.


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